Ignition Lock Analysis
According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau the Honda Accord and Honda Civic were the top two vehicles stolen in 2018, with more than 75,000 of these two models stolen in that year alone. These two vehicles constituted more than 34% of the top ten stolen vehicles that year.
VMAR engineers answer the questions: was the vehicle really stolen and how was the vehicle stolen. Our detailed investigation includes extensive research of the vehicle's anti-theft systems, including whether the vehicle is equipped with a transponder and the type of transponder used, and what type of key is used and how additional keys can be made and programmed.
We thoroughly examine the vehicle for signs of forced entry, such as forced door locks or broken glass. We then examine the ignition lock, which includes removal and disassmbly of the lock and detailed examination of the individual lock wafers to look for evidence of a new key being used. We also examine the transponder system and test the system by placing foil over the key head to determine if the vehicle then fails to start (indicating the transponder is functioning properly). In certain cases we will also contact a dealer to determine if additional keys were made for the vehicle.
When You Need to Know . . .
- Was the vehicle really stolen?
- How were the ignition lock and anti-theft systems defeated (picked, forced, bypassed)?
- Was an ignition key used in the "theft"?
- How many keys have been made for the vehicle?

Detail of Ignition Lock Investigation and Analysis Service
- File review (including examination of police and fire reports if available)
- Identification of vehicle anti-theft system
- Vehicle inspection, including examination of anti-theft system components (including transponder), download and decode transponder data, and examine and disassemble ignition lock assembly
- Determine mode of last ignition start (picked, forced, bypassed, or key)
- Determine number of keys made for most transponder-equipped vehicles
- Identify and determine condition of ignition lock components prior to fire (for burned vehicles)
- Thorough photo documentation of inspection and investigation process
- Establish proper chain of custody and evidence storage (when needed)Preparation of a fully detailed written report
Our 21 Day
In the world of claims adjusting we know that you usually have only a 30-day window in which to determine the merits of a claim. That's why we promise to handle your assignment and get the completed report into your hands within 21 calendar days.
And we back our promise with this guarantee:
If we do not get your assignment completed within 21 calendar days, then we cut your cost in half.