Stolen Vehicle
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), there were an estimated 748,841 vehicles stolen and more than $6 billion dollars lost nationwide to motor vehicle thefts in 2018. Our engineers answer two important questions in a stolen vehicle investigation: how was the vehicle stolen, and what was the condition of the vehicle prior to the alleged theft.
Our investigation includes a thorough examination of the vehicle for signs of forced entry, research of the vehicle's anti-theft systems, and detailed inspection of the ignition lock and transponder components (sometimes carefully examining floorboard debris in burned vehicles to locate the remains of the lock housing, wafers, transponder ring, etc.).
We also perform a comprehensive mechanical review of the engine and transmission, including retrieval of engine oil and transmission fluid samples for independent laboratory analysis. The mechanical review helps us to determine if there were significant engine or transmission problems prior to the theft, which aids in properly determining the value of the vehicle. We also look for evidence that the vehicle was stripped of valuable components such as airbags, stereo receiver, speakers, wheels, etc.
When You Need to Know . . .
- Was the vehicle really stolen?
- How were the ignition lock and anti-theft systems defeated?
- Was an ignition key used in the theft?
- How many keys have been made for the vehicle?
- What was the condition of the engine and transmission prior to the fire?
- Were audio components, airbags, navigation system components, or other valuable items removed prior to the fire?
Detail of Stolen Vehicle Investigation and Analysis Service
- File review (including examination of fire report and vehicle repair records)
- Phone interviews of involved parties (when assigned)
- Vehicle inspection, including examination of anti-theft system components (including the transponder); inspection and disassembly of the ignition lock; and examination of the engine and transmission systems to determine condition prior to the theft
- Research vehicle ignition and anti-theft design parameters (when needed)
- Submission of engine oil and/or transmission fluid samples for independent laboratory analysis
- Thorough photo documentation of inspection and investigation process
- Establish proper chain of custody and evidence storage (when needed)
- Preparation of a fully detailed written report
For more information about our Stolen Vehicle Investigation Service (including the purpose of the investigation, how we perform the investigation, and what the investigation can reveal), please see the following video:
Our 21 Day
In the world of claims adjusting we know that you usually have only a 30-day window in which to determine the merits of a claim. That's why we promise to handle your assignment and get the completed report into your hands within 21 calendar days.
And we back our promise with this guarantee:
If we do not get your assignment completed within 21 calendar days, then we cut your cost in half.